Dear Abby:
I'm a 15-year-old girl with lots of friends, and my problem is that guys are always hassling me because I don't want to have sex. Some of my girlfriends say if I don't do it before I'm 16, I'll wind up being a lesbian.
I can't say I'm afraid of getting pregnant because I could get the Pill or I could use some other method.
Please give me some reasons that they will listen to.
Dear Hassled:
'What's wrong with the truth? Tell them you do not want to get into sex now.
And please don't feel that you have to explain or make apologies for your decision. Many girls your age and older choose not to indulge in sex because they feel ill-equipped to handle it emotionally. I say, good for them. The poorest reason for doing something is because you're afraid of what others might think.